Bitter Truth

The Bitter Truth

There are so many different tools available in the market which generate great individual results. There are project management softwares, Timesheet softwares, Books management softwares but every software fails when the management requires consolidated reports. Irony is, management never wants productions to know about the financials, however revenue depends on the production only.

Bitter Truth

The Problem Statement

Timeline expectations vary from person to person. In my experience, an estimate of such an amount to such an amount can be helpful, however, there may be a disconnect between the developer and the client's expectations. Consequently, executions are started under pressure to meet the market competition. Neither the sales people nor the clients estimate the bespoke solutions accurately. So, in order to deliver the solutions, the production team has to add extra resources which directly impact the profit. Although the companies happily accept it, still this accounts as a major reason of profit leakage in the system. Due to the fact that companies never compromise their ratings on freelancing channels, they end up spending more on the resources than they intended.

Bitter Truth

The Solution

Leecage is a system where the account department can enter the daily billing without knowing the status of the project. Using this system, data is distributed automatically between the resources based on the department's efforts. This system generates such good reports that can help management to know about the actual stage of the project. This is a one stop collaborative system where Finance, Account, Production and management can work from a single page. Leecage motivates resources to release a milestone on a relevant date.

Source of Information


Project Management Software


Account Department


Timesheet Management Software


Sales Department

Solution Paws

Best time to bid
Best time to bid

I facilitate the entry of daily billing
by the accounts department
without knowing about the
project information

Best time to bid
Best time to bid

During the project
execution process, I assist
management with focusing

in the right direction

Best time to bid
Best time to bid

Even if resources are shared
between teams, I generate
the actual earning reports

for each team

Best time to bid
Best time to bid

In my report, I include
all milestones equally

without discriminating
between projects

Best time to bid
Best time to bid

I count the
efforts of resources according
to their billed data.

Best time to bid
Best time to bid

I provide information about the
billing records
of each department's resources
according to the project.

Best time to bid
Best time to bid

I motivate project managers
to complete projects on time

I do the micromanagement for the top management without

annoying anyone in the system.

Pricing Plan


For most businesses that want to optimize web queries

  • User Limit 2
  • Disk Quota Limit 5GB
  • No. of Projects 20
  • No. of Upwork Profile 10
  • Location 1
  • Administration
  • Graphs & Dashboards
  • Triggers
CAD 49.99 /Per Month / Per User

For most businesses that want to optimize web queries

  • User Limit 20
  • Disk Quota Limit 50GB
  • No. of Projects 45
  • No. of Upwork Profile 60
  • Locations 3
  • Administration
  • Graphs & Dashboards
  • Triggers
CAD 89.99 /Per Month / Per User

For most businesses that want to optimize web queries

  • User Limit Unlimited
  • Disk Quota Limit 1TB
  • No. of Projects Unlimited
  • No. of Upwork Profile Unlimited
  • Locations More then 3
  • Administration
  • Graphs & Dashboards
  • Triggers
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